A gradual warming trend is expected mid to late this week, the weather service said.
Tucson, AZ
Right Now
- Humidity: 7%
- Feels Like: 79°
- Heat Index: 79°
- Wind: 1 mph
- Wind Chill: 79°
- UV Index: 0 Low
- Sunrise: 07:20:32 AM
- Sunset: 05:22:46 PM
- Dew Point: 10°
- Visibility: 10 mi
Clear skies. Low 49F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.
Clear skies. Low 49F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.
Sunny. High 81F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.
Next 12 Hours
Wind: N @ 2 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 8%
Wind Chill: 78°
Heat Index: 78°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 11°
Wind: ENE @ 1 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 11%
Wind Chill: 72°
Heat Index: 72°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 15°
Wind: SSE @ 1 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 14%
Wind Chill: 67°
Heat Index: 67°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 16°
Wind: SSE @ 4 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 20%
Wind Chill: 63°
Heat Index: 63°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 22°
Wind: SE @ 4 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 23%
Wind Chill: 60°
Heat Index: 60°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 23°
Wind: SE @ 5 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 24%
Wind Chill: 58°
Heat Index: 58°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 22°
Wind: SE @ 5 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 25%
Wind Chill: 56°
Heat Index: 57°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 22°
Wind: SE @ 6 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 25%
Wind Chill: 54°
Heat Index: 56°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 20°
Wind: SE @ 6 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 25%
Wind Chill: 53°
Heat Index: 54°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 20°
Wind: SE @ 6 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 26%
Wind Chill: 52°
Heat Index: 53°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 19°
Wind: SE @ 6 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 26%
Wind Chill: 51°
Heat Index: 53°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 19°
Wind: SE @ 6 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 27%
Wind Chill: 50°
Heat Index: 52°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 19°
Earth just experienced its second-warmest November on record — second only to 2023 — making it all but certain that 2024 will end as the hottest year ever measured.
Temperatures ranging from the upper 20s to lower 30s area expected across the Tucson metro area beginning Tuesday night.
High temperatures in Tucson this week will stay in the mid to high 70s, the weather service says.
High temperatures in Tucson this week will mostly be in the mid to high 70s, and lows will hover 50 degrees, the forecast shows.
The expected high temperature Friday in Tucson was expected to be higher than any other location in the contiguous 48 states, the weather service says.
Human-caused climate change made Atlantic hurricanes about 18 miles per hour stronger in the last six years, a new scientific study found Wednesday.
Temperatures will get warmer each day this work week, reaching about 82 degrees this weekend.
A weather system is expected to move into the area Friday, bringing cooler temperatures, breezy conditions and a chance for rain and mountain snow.
Tucson baked through an almost endlessly hot October, with hot days averaging more than eight degrees above normal and capping a five-month run of record-breaking or record-tying heat.
A bone-dry October pushed almost half of the United States into a flash drought, leading to fires in the Midwest and hindering shipping on the Mississippi River, according to Associated Press reporting Tuesday.
Tucson will see a significant temperature drop in high temperatures beginning Tuesday.
Temperatures across metro Tucson this weekend will be about 10 to 15 degrees above normal, the forecast says.