Long before doorbell cameras existed, it was the eyes and ears of keen neighbors that would prevent packages from being swiped off front porches.
These days, police said it’s the combination of both tools that can prevent theft and solve cases.
“It’s so important to have both a camera and good neighbors,†said Deputy Keith Bee, a spokesman for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. But, residents’ best defense is to not leave packages unattended in the first place.
The crime of opportunity can often be too tempting for thieves looking to sell whatever odds and ends end up on a doorstep. It could be a $5 stocking stuffer, or a big-ticket item. Nothing is too small for those determined to break open those boxes and see what’s inside, police said.
Bee noted that the stolen wares are often sold on online applications like Facebook Marketplace or Offer Up.
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Those who commit these crimes, officials say, aren’t new to the game and have likely swiped packages before. Police in several Tucson jurisdictions pointed out the brazen actions taken by thieves who are on the prowl for your things.
Officer Darren Wright, a spokesman for the Oro Valley Police Department, said he has seen this brazenness occurring throughout his town. Wrights says he’s aware of people following delivery trucks as they drop off gifts and gadgets. Just as fast as the boxes are delivered they are taken from their owner.
“They are a little more organized and likely repeat offenders,†Wright said. “They know what they’re doing and it’s not their first time. If they get it for free and sell it for half its worth, that’s what they’re going to do.â€
While security options and advancements in technology might detour would-be thieves, it’s up to residents to utilize these tools in order for them to work.
“(These precautions) do provide some deterrence,†Bee said. “It might not stop thieves, but it does give us a better chance of apprehending that person.â€
Even the smallest piece of evidence could expose theft rings and complete the puzzle for police seeking to track thieves down.
So, what can residents do if they are victims of theft? Officers said calling 911 should be their first step, no matter the cost of the item taken. Although this action might not lead to a capture, these calls help officers track locations and trends. By calling 911 and filing a report, victims also have a better chance of recouping their stolen goods and losses.
Further, retailers, shippers and credit card issuers or insurance companies often require a police report be made before filing a claim.
Only about 9% of Americans filed a police report to help recover their items, according to a 2022 survey by Consumer Reports.
Neighbors who spot something amiss at a nearby home should also contact authorities. Bee cautioned that neighbors should be good witnesses and not good victims.
It’s never a good idea for residents to approach these porch pirates, Bee said, but obtaining pertinent information could help close the case. A good description of the thief, vehicle information and time of day are things to jot down if suspicion arises.
“If you see something, say something,†Wright said. “You know your neighbors. You know who should and shouldn’t be there.â€
The good news is that there are plenty of options for package pick-up which will prevent thieves from seizing the opportunity for a quick grab. Wright, himself, is utilizing this new technology. Amazon and other retailers have made it available for residents to get packages delivered inside their garages. Amazon Key is one of these services, and Wright said he’s been happy with the service. Shoppers can also require a signature for all Amazon packages, no matter their cost.
Having packages delivered to another address where someone is home to receive it is another option made available by the United State’s Postal service and FedEx. If you want to grab your own packages instead, consider utilizing a package delivery box or an Amazon pick-up location. Amazon lockers, which are self-served lockers, allow residents to get small items delivered in a safe fashion. A code is shared with the package owner who can open the appropriate locker and grab their items.
In addition to these options, doorbell cameras, outdoor security cameras and pro-active neighbors are keys to preventing these types of theft.
“If we remove the opportunity, we eliminate the crime,†Wright said.
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